Weekly Update - 22/02/19
It’s been a short week at Eastern but we’ve packed plenty in!
On Tuesday some of the teachers were looking at more ways to develop reading and writing in school. The other teachers visited another school for training on developing approaches to encourage positive relationships and behaviour in schools. We’ll continue to develop this.
In nursery we have been busy exploring colour. We have used spray paints, shaving foam and gloop to investigate changing colours. In the playroom the children have been able to try out the new cars, trucks and lorries that we have bought.
Outside in the garden the children have experimented with rolling, focussing on control, direction and safety. Some of us participated in mindfulness activities to support our ABC and Beyond story called Goodnight Everyone by Chris Haughton.
The P1-3 had special guests coming in to teach them about road safety through magic. Alan’s Magic Road Safety was very interesting and all the boys and girls learned lots.
P5s paired up with the P1s this week and were sharing their fantastic comics they completed last week. The P2s were trying some things the teachers learned about on Tuesday. This involved drawing for 10 minutes and then writing non stop for 10 minutes. It produced lots of super writing, even though there were a few tired hands afterwards.
Some of the P3 and 4 classes have been learning about similes and metaphors and they will be putting this into a story that they are creating for World Book Day.
P3/2 have been learning about tessellation and symmetry. They’ve been using mirrors to create symmetrical pictures using different shapes.
P5 have continued to learn about time durations.
A few classes have been doing some Scottish work. P6/5 have been doing art in the the style of JoLoMo, P1 have been listening to Scottish music, P6 have been using Scottish music to inspire their creative writing.
Meanwhile P3/2 have been using their imagination to fly to India and tell stories through drama of what they see around them. P4 have also been learning about other parts of the world and creating Chinese Dragons.
The school show practises are in full swing with Miss Paterson, Miss Gallacher, Miss Dickson, Miss Guthrie, and Mrs Merry D all working around the clock to make the show as amazing as it can be.
P5a have started to prepare for their assembly and will be showing their learning to parents/carers on the 28th February.
Next week we have the Glee competition to look forward to and P4/3 have parents evening with Miss Porter.
Have a lovely weekend.